
Dear Shari and Tom,

I'm so sorry to hear about Jasmine.  She was such a sweet dog and a beautiful soul.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you (and with her too).

Take care.  We'll have to get together soon.

Hello Shari & Tom,

I am so sorry for the passing of Jasmine. She truly was a gem. I'm so glad she had the perfect owners that loved her so very much.

My best to you both.

This is very sad indeed. Precious little Jasmine was such a sweet & gentle spirit. She blessed us all. The last time I saw her she kissed my cheek.

Well done Jasmine. Dream well little one.

Oh Shari, I am so sorry to hear this news.  I'm crying with you.  She was indeed so sweet.  Even though her death came quickly, it is a blessing.  I've had dogs go both ways--quickly and slowly--and while quickly is better for the dog, it's harder on the humans.  But slowly is a terrible thing for the dog.

We wish you strength in your time of grieving.

Dear Shari and Tom


I will always remember the wholehearted, lovely greeting I always got from Jasmine.  She blessed us all with her perfect being.

The always too soon leaving of our dearest four-footed friends is always a profound time.  I am so sorry for you and the unspeakable longing for the presence again of one so sweet  and giving.
She was so blessed to have you as her family.  No puppy dog could have wanted better.

With a lump in my throat too I send you much love through this time when you know her absence so strongly.

And a hug for dear Nazar

Dearest Shari,

Oh! I am immensely saddened to hear of such a sudden and profound loss - but like you,
feel lucky to have known and loved such a beautiful, loving canine-goddess as she.  Indeed,
she had a very blessed life living under your (you & Tom's)  wing.  Thank you for letting us know.
Safe passage on to the beyond, sweet Jasmine - thanks for all the love & joy you brought.

Love to you and Tom.

My Dearest Shari and Tom,

I'm so sad to hear this news.  She was a treasure and will be missed. I wish I was there to hug you both.  I hope Nazar is not too upset by her passing.  My heart is with you.
Hello Tom and Shari,

I'm so sorry to hear of Jasmine’s passing. She was so lucky to have you both in her life!
With love and blessings.

Dear Shari and Tom:

We are so very sorry for you guys, dealing with the loss of little Jasmine!  It's hard to believe, as she was so frisky when we were just there a month ago...  Dogs are such great friends and family members, your devastation is a sorrowful measure of the amount of nurture and deep connection that she both gave and received throughout her life with you.

Our hearts go out to you guys, and I know that Jasmine is letting everyone know, wherever dogs go after a wonderful life, just how blessed she was by your care and love.

Appreciate your letting us know.  We'll keep you in our hearts and prayers.  We may have one less pooch on our trip next year, but Jasmine will remain forever in our thoughts ...

Much love and condolences,

Sorry to hear about Jasmine's passing.  I know how much you loved her.

gentle hugs.

Dear Shari and Tom,

Oh….such a big loss for both of you.  She was blessed to spend those fourteen years with such devoted companions.  And you were equally blessed to have her devotion towards you.  I am sending you all (including your other sweet dog) a cocoon of love to hold you as you grieve.


I know Jasmine picked you and loved every minute of you loving her.  I see you both playing and caring for her whenever I think of being at your place.  All the great walks and happy rubs.
And we know how much Swamiji loved dogs; I love it that you put her with him. I know she has been carried over in his loving hands.  I immediately realized that when she went it was in India the day of Swamiji's own leaving.

It's all such a mystery, how and when this passing happens.  I know I'll remember always that time with Sri Louie and Isabelle.

A big big hug to you both and to Nazar.

She was such a delightful and marvelous dog - a beautiful soul.  I am so sad.  But what a marvelous life she had with the two of you, and what joy she brought you.  Having a dog is like having a child - you know it will never grow to be older than a teenager, because they all die.  But they all have their gifts - and hers were especially precious.

She was such a sweet dog and a beautiful soul.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you (and with her too).

I can almost feel her soft coat and see her sweet smile and enthusiastic spirit. She will be missed very much!

We know how much you two loved her and we loved her, too. What an adorable wiggle butt she was!

Our hearts go out to you guys, and I know that Jasmine is letting
everyone know, whereever dogs go after a wonderful life, just how blessed
she was by your care and love.

Oh….such a big loss for both of you.  She was blessed to spend those fourteen years with such devoted companions.  And you were equally blessed to have her devotion towards you.  I am sending you all (including your other sweet dog) a cocoon of love to hold you as you grieve.

I am so sorry to hear of Jasmine's passing. What a dear soul companion she has been for you two over all these years! Sending you a warm hug and heart full of sympathy and also to little Nazar!

So sorry to hear this. Jasmine was one of my favorite pups. Such a sweetheart.

So so sorry. I love the photos of Jasmine.
I hope she is hanging out with our other dogs in dog paradise.

I  was broken hearted to hear this. She is so special, and seems as if an old soul as well. You are the best dog lovers I know. She is much loved. I miss her.  I hope you are well and have my sympathy. Please give Nazar a hug for me.

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