Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Two and a Quarter Tons

Actually, it's not that much rock. Well, it is a lot if you have to carry it all at once, or if you had to move it some dozen miles from the landscape rock yard. But if the pile is on your driveway, you have a wheelbarrow and a half an acre of gully, and you want to build terraces, it's not that much rock.

After four days of a few hours each morning (it's really hot this time of year), I have only two small piles left, but the slope by the five steps has some nice rock groupings.

Plus, I burned off the weight I put on visiting Lower Alaska last month and sitting on my derriere for thirty-two hundred miles of driving over two weeks.

The gully with its rock groupings is looking more and more archaic, as if the remnants of some ancient civilization.

Next time, I think I will order four or maybe six tons. I wonder how many tons that truck can carry.

But for today, I think I will let this resting rattler be and work inside the house. Where, oh where are our king snakes?

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