Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Reflections on Jason and Argonauts

Like Odysseus lashed to the mast, but perhaps more like Jason with his fellow Argonauts sailing through the Bosporus past Sirens and Crashing Rocks between Scylla and Charybdis on their journey through the Euxine Sea in their quest for the fabled Golden Fleece of exotic Colchis, I have passed through the Gates of Medicare and now the Gates of Social Security Full Vesting on my quest for the Golden Fleece of Retirement. Such is the passage of time marked by birthdays.

There are many more adventures ahead as I sail the Black Sea with kith and kin, wending by, through and around a cast of fellow laborers, restaurant servers, competing horseless chariot drivers, and innumerable extras towards my mythical goal.

The Golden Fleece of Retirement remains unattained as the habits and rewards of my professional if surreal labor, not to mention the daily chores of tending furry and floral children, constrain and bind. Ah! But to sever the knots! To be carefree and revel in pastimes of . . .

. . . not bloody likely.

The adventures, boredoms, frustrations, perils and decrepitudes of traveling life are without end. But I do have fellow Argonauts, heroic kith and kin with whom souls are interconnected, fellow characters who have cast ourselves together in this play of consciousness. They are my inspiration, sources for my astonishment, admiration and encouragement in this reverie we call life.

I hope to still write another book or two, marvel at the wonders of creation and our cultural histories, participate in foodie gatherings with the best of friends, record, edit and narrate more video documentaries, plant and nurse cacti and agaves, and cherish nieces, nephews, their creations and progeny. Hopefully, there will be less need to social-post expressions of disgust at the less wholesome aspects of our humanity. But the meaning of life remains clear: do something, anything.

And always, nourishing me from within, is the actual experience and subconscious certainty of the Divine Play which illuminates all phenomena as equally known and equally unknowable.

My sincere thanks to all shipmates on the Argo vessel: those who have already passed over to journey on other ships, and those who still enliven this one.