Friday, October 21, 2011

La Niña, Again

Shari sent me a link to a report in Seattle. The weather folks are thinking we will have another La Niña for this winter, which means cold and wet for Puget Sound, like 2010-1 winter.

In Arizona, another season of La Niña means another dry and warm winter. We already are having a warmer-than-average autumn; highs in the nineties. We get occasional cold spells. One last winter got to 17 degrees, and a few weeks back, the night temperatures got down to the low 50's.

So we are keeping a solar blanket over the cement pond, which so far has kept the water around 86 degrees. Shari and I have a great system. In the afternoon, we peel back the cover carefully so a minimum of debris falls in the pool. We frolic in the warm water. Shari gets a lot of time swimming and aqua-dancing. Then we tuck the pool back under the blanket.

During that cold spell a few weeks back, I couldn't resist a quick night dip under the blanket. The air was cool, but the water was warm.

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