Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Spring Flowers

Hanging cactus
Baby cactus
 As spring evolves in the Sonoran Desert, odd looking cactus plants develop stunningly beautiful flowers, almost overnight.

Big cactus
The hanging cactus has formidable, long spines, yet its flowers are graceful, soft and inviting.

The tiny cactus in that donkey planter has been flowering for over a month. Each flower is about a quarter of an inch across.

Now the giant saguaros are beginning to flower. The green buds on the tips become big white flowers with yellow centers that turn into sweet, lurid red fruit.

Eaten by birds, the fruit seeds are pooped and account for the baby saguaros that I have catalogued and treasure throughout our yard.

1 comment:

  1. The colors of the flowers gave me a real lift today. We planted lettuce a few days ago in our veggie bed and have had to construct a plastic roof over it to keep them from being drowned. Oh well, forecast is promising some sun in the next few days.
