Friday, December 7, 2012

Halcyon Magic

Christmas trees or, as I am beginning to think of them, halcyon trees do grow bigger.

An early scene in Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker includes a magic Christmas tree that grows bigger and bigger.  At least, this used to happen in Pacific Northwest Ballet's annual productions when I saw a performance aeons ago.

They do grow bigger.  It happens as you keep buying more lights and ornaments to hang on them.

We bought a couple of strings of lights and decorated a palo verde tree in front.  It's no small feat, if you know how palos verdes are weirdly bushy and razor-blade spiky. We decided a few more strings would improve it. Yesterday I put up two more and it occurred to me how true: Christmas trees really do grow bigger.

Speaking of aeons, year end, and the end of the world, has everyone seen the Australian PM Gillard confirm the end of the world according to the Mayan calendar?  Happy Yule and Merry Halcyon Days!

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