Monday, April 1, 2013

From Winter into Summer

View of Lake Washington from our nephew's house in Seattle.
Somehow we missed Spring. Before we left for a short, three-night trip to Seattle, we were wearing sweaters in the morning. Come back, and it's warm in the mornings, hot in the afternoon, and we are wearing shorts 24/7.

We did enjoy the weather by the Salish Sea: dark, grey, cold and wet. Our enjoyment of that weather was greatly enhanced by the knowledge that we were shortly returning to the Sonoran Desert.

Still, we had just been getting used to wearing warmer clothes when all of a sudden, they look strangely out-of-place in our closet. Why would anyone have thick pants and sweaters?

Yesterday was Easter Sunday. I have lots of nice memories of Easter Sundays, particularly one sunny Spring day at the U-District house in Seattle: the huge tree that almost touched my bedroom window was loaded with cherry blossoms. Yesterday's Easter Sunday memory was swimming my first laps of the year in the cement pond.

Time to change my "gum tree" photo for something more seasonal.

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