Friday, March 28, 2014


Jasmine passed away last night. Late afternoon she collapsed. Once she got up and went outside, but she was wobbly and collapsed again. It was night when we were driving her to the vet to put her to sleep. She passed away on the back seat of the car.

Her passing was sudden -- for us. Dogs never complain. As for Shari and me, "What an empty surprise, to feel so alone." Now it's life without Jasmine, and right now there's a big void in our lives.

Jasmine was almost fourteen years old, so she had a full life. We believe it also was a good one. Certainly, Shari and I were blessed to have her company for all these years. We believe she was Swamiji's blessing and his gift to us for our marriage. Swamiji told me that Jasmine had chosen this life to be with us. She had darshan of Karunamayi several times.

She was long suffering, putting up with us. She was my first "pet." I used to have no idea how or why people could get so attached to their pets. I learned.

She was so sensitive, she would get upset if Shari and I had an animated conversation, much less an argument. Jasmine would take it upon herself. She read vibes like anything. She taught me to watch my own behavior because it influenced her.

Of course, we are biased, but she was more people than canine. She always preferred the company of people, not other dogs. Her intelligence was almost human. We often thought and remarked how Jasmine would have loved giving people hospice company, and how people loved her.

See the Jasmine page for the comforting messages we received from friends and family. Not to mention phone calls with condolences. Any of us people would be honored to be remembered so fondly.

We buried her this morning on our property. Shari wrapped Jasmine's body in silk. We planted a mesquite tree for her.

We miss her, but we are giving our other canine family member, Nazar, lots of love and attention. As most of you know, for just a little attention, they give back so much. And they are wonderful teachers and spiritual guides.

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