Thursday, July 10, 2014

Monsoon Rain - New Growth

We've had something like one to two inches of rain over this last week. Down the hill a rain gauge reports an inch; up the hill another rain gauge reports two and a third inches.

Rain is like that here. Go a few blocks and it can be very different. Check out the Arizona rainlog website.

One can tell the plants are happy. And there are surprises and miracles.

So I'm pulling the recently emptied recycling container back from the street and notice a pin cushion cactus by the side of the driveway. It's in full bloom. It all happened overnight. Pin cushions are tiny cacti, as you can see from the ruler posing next to it.

I had to take a photo and share the beauty of these tiny little plants that like to hide in the shade of sagebrush.

Other vegetative responses are more common, but no less miraculous. There are palo verde seedlings everywhere. What is amazing about the sprouts is how they move the dirt around them. I would need time-lapse photography to capture the movement, but each seedling has pushed dirt and small pebbles aside to create a little depression around itself.

How do they do that? Plants aren't supposed to move like that, are they?

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