Sunday, September 21, 2014

Wire, Glass & Cans

Mostly bits of wire, possibly from a fence, but also broken
glass, chicken wire, aluminum something or another, and
an old style pull-tab can.
One of the nice things about the rain is how it uncovers buried things. Like bits of trash and construction debris.

Coat Hanger Valley yields lot of interesting stuff. A brief stroll on its west side, staring at the ground, and within ten or fifteen minutes, I have a bucketful of wire, broken glass, and other non-indigenous items.

I don't like non-indigenous items. I collect trash, sometimes even concrete debris, and put it in the garbage can.

Except that so far I have saved three coat hangers from oblivion. The three are hanging on palo verde branches.

Coat Hanger Valley is getting a strolling-friendly makeover. I'm beginning to think of it as Shangri-La Valley. Maybe when I've done more work to complete path that traverses the west side, I'll start calling it Shangri-La. That's when I will remove the three coat hangers. Maybe.

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