Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year & It's Pretty Much Done

Shari finished grouting, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, then sealing/hardening the grout, then cleaning the excess. Her skinned, bloody fingertips are slowly healing.

The square drain in the round hole is operational. Shower head and faucet were screwed in yesterday, Pope Greg Feast Day, and we ran some water through the shower. It works. At least apparently.

The new toilet we bought seven years ago was set, the water line was connected, and we flushed it several times. Trouble is, the water line is leaking at the toilet tank end. I'm hoping a new line plus teflon tape will cure the problem. I need another trip to the mega-hardware store.

Cautiously optimistic after taking documentary photos, I screwed on the new toilet seat this morning. Shari had already put fresh towels on the re-installed racks last night, proof her optimism blossomed before mine. I'm reserving final judgment until that water line to the toilet tank is trustworthy.

It's been more than ten weeks and it will be at least ten full weeks before everything is back in its accustomed place. But it's beginning to feel like it's done.

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