Speaking (or writing) about floral puberty, a blue agave decided to go for it a couple of weeks ago.
All I know is I was thinning out agave suckers by the gravel driveway. That evening, I walked back to marvel at my work. That was when I noticed the blue agave stalk. It was probably three or four days old, but already humungous.
That erection will grow for about a month then explode in little stalks covered with flowers.
I similarly noticed a fourth green agave erupting. The story is similar. I was walking through our Sonoran acre when I noticed it had already from some five or six feet.
A green agave's erection is nothing compared to that of a full grown blue agave. It's huge.
Then there is the hanging cactus (right) whose flowers last only a couple of days.
It must be spring.
Can't wait to see your follow up agave pictures!