Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Huff of Mindbook

Some people think that after they die, they go to heaven, or maybe purgatory, or hell. Others think they are reborn in a better or worse life depending upon their current conduct and desires. I say, why wait? It's here. It's called the mind. Like the Eveready bunny, it just keeps on going.

In my hell, I get daily notifications.

"A lot has happened"? I don't think so.

Perhaps on a weekend morning, after I tire of playing solitaire, I tap the Facebook logo and scroll down my "newsfeed," which is a compilation of others' mind-chatter. "What's on your mind?" I suppose if my own mind-chatter isn't enough, it's fun to share it and read someone else's.

Posting what's on your mind can be very self-revealing. Sometimes I wonder whether people realize how revealing. As I scroll through my "newsfeed", I see myriads of heavens and hells, and a lot of depressing banality. I think to myself, if there is a hell, it's having to plug into others' mind-chatter. One mind-full of chatter is bad enough. Imagine a world-full.

I check into Huffington Post more often than Facebook. I admit, I lean heavily towards the liberal ("progressive") persuasion, so I enjoy the twist that Huff puts onto the news, and the hypocritical, mucky and salacious tidbits they drag up on politicians.

Like Facebook, Huff contains a lot of mind-chatter, most of it in the Media and Entertainment sections. Huff is a bit more creative than Facebook in that Huff pays people to make mountains out of molehills and think up hyperboles.

This is just a random sample from today's "Breaking News":
  • Farrah Abraham Gave Her Daughter $600 For Losing Her Two Front Teeth.
  • Jared Padalecki Stunned As Fans Honor His 'Always Keep Fighting' Campaign
  • The One Thing Brandy Does Every Day To Find Balance
  • Future: Ciara And I Prayed After Sex
  • Justin Bieber Defends Kylie Jenner And Her Cornrows
  • Mom Of Twins Uses Hilarious Signs To Shut Down Strangers Who Ask Intrusive Questions
Who are these people? Why in God's creation (or why in hell) should I care? It's too funny. I mean, I can't begin to make this stuff up. But "Breaking News"? I don't think so.

Like Facebook, Huff makes me chuckle, dread and joke about the creativity and banality of the modern mind. "What's on your mind?" "Breaking News"?

It's Bastille Day, so as I wonder about minds, heaven & hell, and banality & creativity, a quote comes to my mind, and I imagine that "pimpernel" isn't just a flower, but an expression of creativity.

“They seek him here, they seek him there
Those Frenchies seek him everywhere
Is he in heaven or is he in hell?
That damned elusive Pimpernel”

Is it in heaven or is it in hell?
That damned ellusive -- mind.

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