Thursday, October 29, 2015

Autumn and Halloween

Some time about a fortnight ago it became autumn. Overnight, the monsoon heat left and we were wearing long sleeves in the morning.

Cliff and I talked about it last week and again yesterday. Cliff comes weekly to our backyard to maintain the clear water in our cement pond. We both complained about suddenly cool weather and unfamiliar sleeves.

The pool water temperature was down to eighty. That's too cool for Shari so she signed up to swim in the indoor, heated pool at the local Hollywood Fitness gym -- no, Planet LA, or Bodies R Us, or whatever. (Planet of the Apes? Gymnasiums go against my religion.) The point of this paragraph is that we took the pool cover off yesterday.

We'll sweep and dry it off, fold it up and hide it until maybe March. It's like what we do with Christmas decorations, except that we don't have any and, unlike the Holiday Season, Pool Time lasts over half of the year.

So do the five seasons pass in the Sonoran Desert. Halloween is almost upon us.

I know it's Halloween because of the fright I got last night watching just a few minutes of the Republican (and CNBC) Buffoon Show. Those guys are really scary. You think they are pretending? It is the trick-or-treat season. Or maybe they actually believe what they mean? Either way, it was Halloween horrible.

Despite the jack-o-lanterns in the big box stores, Halloween comes and goes in a trice compared to Presidential elections. If we granted Iowa access easements to the oceans, could we have it secede so we don't have to deal with its early primary?

When it takes a year and a half to complete any cyclical season, you know it's out of touch with reality. Heck, even Greece can hold national elections within a week.

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