Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The Window Crash


The window seal was broken when we bought the house ten years ago. The streaks inside the double pane were irritating enough, but the rotted frame in which it sat was even more troubling. Previous owners had heavily watered the flower bed below the window without regard to the damage it was causing. The initial rot introduced, multiple patches over the decade, whether caulk, Bondo or epoxy, cracked and failed with time. It was time to bite the bullet and replace the window.

The good news is that the rot was limited to the old wooden window frame and the two-by-sixes on which it sat. Only a few inches of stucco and backing had to be cut away to make room to jam in two new two-by-sixes made of treated lumber. It was an all-day job for two, working from sun-up to sun-down.

They say the replacement window will weigh about four hundred pounds. Judging by the weight of the broken glass (most, but not all of it) that is sitting in our trash can waiting to be picked up (hopefully) this morning, I believe it. Four guys with big suction caps placing a four hundred pound piece of glass in its aluminum frame? Stay tuned for the installation, hopefully within a week or so

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