Sunday, February 24, 2019

Sonoran Winter 24 Hours

I like to joke that if you don't like the weather in Tucson, wait a few hours. Last Friday's weather offers a great example.

I thought snow on the Santa Catalina Mountains a few days earlier was pretty neat. It inspired Finger Rock Wash Winter Morning. But the big storm was last Friday, and it offered lots of video opportunities.

We were living in a storm cloud most of Friday. There were no Catalinas, only a white-out, and a dark one at that. Only by evening did the dense clouds begin to lift. By dawn, the sky was clear. Hoping for a nice sunrise on the Catalinas, I mounted my camera on a tripod and left it running there for about three-quarters of an hour while I had my breakfast.

Less than twenty-four hours after it began snowing, the sky was sunny and clear. Baboquivari, the sacred mountain some forty-fifty miles distant, was clearly visible.

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