Thursday, June 11, 2020

Fire in the Catalinas

Mother Nature has her moods.

Lightning strikes started the fire on Friday,
June 5, on the west side of the Santa Catalina Mountains. It jumped over the ridge and into Pima Canyon on Monday. Last night, Wednesday night, Finger Rock was on fire. Ribbons of fire burned eastwards. By morning, smoke obscured the mountains and drifted down the washes past our house and into the city.

The local newspaper reports that this fire, together with a fire in Alaska, are the highest priority for fire-fighters nation-wide. Bighorn was only 10% contained on Thursday night. Warnings are being issued for some evacuations.

All video taken from our backyard. The updated video (as of Friday morning) shows the fires pretty much extinguished, but the media is still reporting that it's only 10% contained.

Postscript: The video caught the eye of a Eurovision reporter in Switzerland. He may use some shots.

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