Saturday, June 25, 2011

Want to See a Rattlesnake?

I suspected that a rattlesnake was living somewhere on the other side of the driveway. A couple of years back we noticed a skin sluffed off by the rocks that line the bottom of the swale. Then a few weeks ago I was clearing dead parts of the oleander bushes by the driveway, the effects of this winter's 17 degree freeze. I saw another skin just outside a hole burrowed by some oleander roots. It was that same burrow where this morning's Mr. Rattler retreated.

This morning I was watering the oleander when I saw Mr. Rattler moving through the dead leaves and puddles of water.  I must admit, the snake looked pretty cool. I had to remind myself that the thing could be dangerous, so I ran inside and called Shari, "Hey! You want to see a rattlesnake?" We took photos and video.

Shari wanted to call Rural Metro to have them come out and remove the snake. We pay a fee so we have that service available. I figure it's been there all this time, so why bother? But we'll probably call Rural Metro.

About an hour later, I'm in another area, also on the same east side of the house, clearing undergrowth, pruning dead and odd growth, and pulling off mistletoe that's choking trees. Again I am watering, this time the stressed acacias and palo verdes that screen us from our neighbor's driveway. I see a king snake hustling towards what I had suspected was another legless reptilian hangout.

Hey, at least we have that gate protected. Come on, Mr. King. Go chase Mr. Rattler away.

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