Monday, November 21, 2011

The Money in Politics

Presidents Booed, Pizzas Are Vegetables, & Occupying Money

An article on Huffington Post, that website full of news entertainment for the liberal-minded, reports that Congress overruled the USDA and declared frozen pizza a vegetable for the purposes of school children's diet.  Corporate food manufacturers make no money off of fresh fruit and vegetables. They make money off of pre-packed, adulterated foods -- and off of politicians eager for campaign donations.

Protesters occupy Wall Street and other public areas in cities throughout the country. They are angry at the rich, but not particularly well organized, like the wealthy can afford to be.

The wealthy buy propaganda, conservative talk shows and Republican talking points that make Johnny Machine-head boo Michelle Obama and Jill Biden at a NASCAR race. This is patriotism?  To boo the wives of the President and Vice-President promoting an initiative to hire veterans? Where do people get these knee-jerk, hypocritical reactions?

Corporate media. Some conservative; some liberal; but all designed to be popular entertainment that serves to influence and bias instead of inform and educate.

Shari points out that Gaddafi ruled Libya for 42 years by keeping the institutions of government weak and ineffective. As one commentator noted, "Libya, under the elder Gadhafi's 42-year rule, had intentionally weak state institutions and a government that barely existed. Gadhafi, who held no title, had ultimate authority and did not want the development of any other power centers that might challenge him."

Our conservative friends in this county argue that we are safer with a weak and small government. Excuse me? Where do people get such palpably stupid ideas? Propaganda.

The problem isn't that the rich are rich. It's that money drives politics. Don't bother occupying Wall Street unless you occupy the government.

The only way for ordinary citizens to control their own government is to take money out of it. Right now, we are ensuring that we have a government of the money, by the money, for the money. As a nation, a society, and a community, we are confronted by plenty of serious policy decisions. Why are we invariably and unduly influenced towards the alternatives that enrich a few?

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