Monday, October 1, 2012

Autumn on Its Way

It was in the low sixties this morning as we took our two furry children down the street for their morning walk. With a chill in the air, this was the first time I have worn jeans and a thin cardigan since early spring.  Like March. Jasmine is frisky. We think she likes the chill.

Dress is changing, at least at night when it's colder. Now I remember why I still have jeans and cardigans.  All these will be forgotten each day as the sun gets higher in the sky. We are expecting 99 degrees today and 100 tomorrow. But the evenings, nights and especially early mornings have a slight chill to them.

Did anyone see that full moon? Gorgeous. And in the early morning, if I stick my head outside and look up, the pre-sunrise sunlight has obscured every star in the sky except for two bright objects, Venus and Jupiter.

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