Monday, May 19, 2014

Saguaro Flowers

It's that crazy time of year when saguaro cactuses put on funny hats.

The saguaro in front of our house is using every branch to its fullest to bring out flower buds.

When the sweet red fruit appears, that's when the local wildlife really gets to feast. Birds eat the fruit, sit on a branch somewhere to attend nature's call, and presto: baby saguaro cactuses sprout on the ground below.

1 comment:

  1. This has been the most 'rageous year for Saguaro buds and blossoms. I've photographed several crowns just loaded with them. And the professional photographers were taking notice too. Now the heat is getting the better of them. During my hikes I see many fallen buds. 100+ temps and no rain will do that. Only the strongest make it all the way to the fruiting stage.
