Monday, May 19, 2014

The New Garden: Gates to Nowhere

This past weekend, we set up three gates to nowhere around the new garden and embedded enough posts in one-foot concrete-filled holes to create the perimeter.

The gate on the left is on the northeast. There's one on the southeast and a third on the northwest. It makes a little more sense when you walk the property, which is easy to do now because aside from the three gates, there is no barrier.

Two yards of dirt were delivered on Tuesday. All three raised beds are loaded up and ends closed. Shari has tomatoes, scarlet runner beans, and Thai basil planted in one bed.

We have enough dirt and space left over for two more smaller beds -- but that's in the improbable future. Still, it's nice to have space to expand.

Soon, probably this coming weekend, we will stretch and staple the aviary wire and the ongoing struggle to exclude javelinas, rabbits and any other varmint we possibly can will open its first chapter.

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