Thursday, October 16, 2014

Just Another Sunset

Clear and dry desert skies make for unobstructed evening and morning sunlight. Add a few fluffy clouds to reflect that red-hued late or early light and you have spectacular sunsets and sunrises.

My small and obsolete pocket camera (most people nowadays use telephones to take photographs; how au courant) can't do justice to the scene.

That red band framing the brightest strip of the sky was not ordinary; it was a red so deep and iridescent as to restore the original meaning to the word amazing. And the vast scale! How can a photo capture the magnitude of the sky?

We get these lights shows quite often; coyote howling and birds chirping add the sound shows. It's just another sunset, but I never tire of them. It's not something you can get used to because each is so spectacularly marvelous.

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