Monday, October 13, 2014

Rillito River Flows

Not often, but there are a few days when the Rillito is a river and not a dry wash.

We've had a good monsoon season in terms of rainfall. October is pretty late for monsoon rain, but we got a bonus last week, about an inch and a half over two days, courtesy of Hurricane Simon.

The Rillito River flowed. The Santa Cruz River flowed. The water around our back doors flowed, and with the help of a large shop broom, was swept to the West.

Everything was wet, glistening with water. The earth is saturated with the wet. The desert squishes as you step on it. You feel like you don't want to step on it. The heavy rain makes beautiful patterns on fine dirt, exposing pebbles to create a rich, living texture. 

The Tucson basin is green, and the vegetation is so happy that some trees and shrubs are flowering — again.

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